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Below are the articles under the tag History.
A Genuine Tolerance
31 October 2021 | Eric Weinholtz | Issue 144 (Nov - Dec 2021)
For more than six hundred years, from 1300 until 1922, the Ottoman Empire ruled over a religiously diverse population. For the duration of its entire…
Ibn al-Haytham’s Vision
01 May 2021 | Sarah Winter | Issue 141 (May - Jun 2021)
He does not have a familiar name like Nicolaus Copernicus, Roger Bacon, or Galileo, but Ibn al-Haytham’s name is the reason that those aforementioned…
Do All Roads Lead to Samarkand?
01 May 2020 | Laura Kish | Issue 135 (May - Jun 2020)
For lust of knowing what should not be known/ We take the Golden Road to Samarkand. [[1]] The Silk Road has always been known for providing path…
Through A Mirror Brightly
31 October 2016 | Tony Mitchell | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
Historians and other students of history will look back at the 21st century and see that it passed through three phases. The First Period This firs…
The Alhambra - A Palace Layered with Ornament
31 August 2016 | Faisal Warsani | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
“But the building’s identity resided in the ornament.” These words, from architect Louis Sullivan, are an apt description of most Islamic architectur…
A History of Science in World Cultures - Interview with Alok Kumar
30 June 2016 | Fethi Yaman | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
Alok Kumar is professor of physics at the State University of New York, Oswego. His publications include Science in the Medieval World (1991 and 1996…
Church of Mary
31 October 2015 | Elif Cansu Guler | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
In his book, The Culture of Ambiguity: Another History of Islam, the contemporary Islamic scholar Thomas Bauer wrote: For about a thousand years A…
Globetrotters of the Middle Ages
31 October 2015 | Zafer Dogan | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
Sain bina, dear readers! As-Salamu Alaikum! Or would you prefer Hello? With this multilingual welcome I hope to get you in the mood for the subject…
How Fair Are We When Looking into the Past
30 June 2015 | Alparslan Zora | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
I remember that in fourth grade one of my classmates was impersonating George Washington, the first president of the United States. As a class projec…
Piri Reis and His World Map
30 June 2015 | Ahmet Urguplu | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
Piri Reis was the founder of Turkish cartography. From a Turkish family who immigrated to Gallipoli from Karaman in central Asia Minor, he was the ne…
Karl Marx, the Prophet of Materialism
28 February 2015 | Mustafa Ismet Uzun | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Re-examining the philosophical roots of Marx’s famously flawed ideology If there is any thinker or philosopher who has been the most critical of…
Religion and Social Change
28 February 2015 | Mustafa Ismet Uzun | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
he debate over religion’s role in social change has been raging for centuries. The interpretation and perception of even just a single social ac…
Islamic Civilization and Science: A Forgotten History
31 October 2014 | The Fountain | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
If you are interested in Muslims' contributions to science and some of their inventions, this interview may be an enjoyable read. We paid a visit to…
The Convivencia in Islamic Spain
30 June 2013 | Sarah-Mae Thomas | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
For a period of almost four centuries, when Medieval Spain was ruled by the Moors, the believers in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam lived together i…
Culture of Coexistence: Exemplary Cases of Relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
30 April 2013 | Suat Yildirim | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Imam Sarahsi narrates an incident which is exemplary of Islam’s policy with respect to non-Muslims. Imam Abu Yusuf, the chief justice of the Muslim s…
A Subject of the Divine Promises: Ishmael
30 April 2013 | Fatih Harpci | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
The family story of Ishmael is one of the ten family histories into which the book of Genesis is arranged. This history of Ishmael shows the fulfillm…
Ibn Sina: An Exemplary Scientist
31 August 2012 | Ihsan Ali / Ahmet Guclu | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in Latin and in the West) in his masterpiece The Canon of Medicine (United States National Library of Medicine, MS A 53)…
Significance of Philanthropic Institutions in Ottoman Social Life
30 June 2012 | Osman Senkaya | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
"Waqf 1 is a social, legal and religious institution which played an important role in social, cultural and economic life of the Islamic world, espec…
Abu Bakr: An Epitome of Truthfulness
29 February 2012 | Harun Gultekin | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
Arabia ... a desert as huge as almost three thousand square kilometers. A desert, but one from which humanity souls have been revivified repeatedly o…
Myth or Reality: The “Invasion” and Spread of Islam in Spain
31 December 2011 | Karin De Villa | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
The majority of Spaniards, as well as people worldwide that have heard about "Muslim Spain," know about the conquest of Spain, (Hispania at the time)…
The "Turkish Letters" of Ogier G. de Busbecq (1520-1592)
31 October 2010 | Osman Nal | Issue 78 (November - December 2010)
The Ottomans had a strong cultural and political presence over the Middle East, North Africa and South Eastern Europe (the Balkans) from the fifteent…
The Spread of Islam
31 August 2010 | Paul Kearns | Issue 77 (September - October 2010)
There are several historical reasons for the astounding spread of Islam throughout Arabia and abroad after Muhammad’s death in 632 AD. These factors…
31 October 2009 | Murat Yukseldi | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
Maria Rosa Menocal (2002) argues that Al-Andalus (711–1492) was a “utopian-like” society in which Jews and Muslims lived side by side in peace and co…
Romania: A Land of Peace
31 August 2009 | Victor Nitelea | Issue 71 (September - October 2009)
While undertaking a larger study on the biases and commonplaces in Romanian popular history, we encountered several deep-rooted preconceived ideas of…
At What Age Did Aisha Marry the Prophet?
30 April 2009 | Resit Haylamaz | Issue 69 (May - June 2009)
When covering the life of Prophet Muhammad, one of the most debatable topics is that of the age of his wife Aisha when the two married. Her alleged v…
A Journey of Discovery
31 October 2008 | Asli Sancar | Issue 66 (November - December 2008)
I first became interested in Ottoman women in the early 1990s when I read a newly published book on the Ottoman harem. Although the book was beautifu…
Gratitude to the Ottomans
30 September 2007 | Abdullah Aymaz | Issue 60 (October - December 2007)
The Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923 between the allied powers and the Turks in the aftermath of World War I, still prevails on the Turkish agenda…
Islam and Muslims in America before Columbus
31 March 2007 | Salih Yucel | Issue 58 (April - June 2007)
Historical facts concerning many established information on diverse fields continue to be unraveled to the astonishment of us all. One of these facts…
The Ottomans and Sacred Places in Jerusalem
31 December 2006 | As-safsafi Ahmad Al-qaturi | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
The Myth of Ottoman Despotism
30 June 2006 | Mustafa Armagan | Issue 55 (July - September 2006)
The concept of Chinese script operated as a kind of a European hallucination. Jacques Derrida1 For over two thousand years despotism has been used…
Montaigne and the Ottomans
31 December 2005 | Mustafa Armagan | Issue 53 (January - March 2006)
Essays are like flexible rhapsodies.”1 They are freer, arbitrary, and subjective as compared to a more rigid, systematic, and organized plain text. F…
Istanbul's Vanished City of the Dead: The Grand Champs des Morts
31 December 2004 | Brian Johnson | Issue 49 (January - March 2005)
With a rich and varied architecture embodying centuries of history, Istanbul is one of the world’s most celebrated cities. Besides the splendid monum…
For Whom Is the Medieval Era Dark?
31 March 2003 | B. Mumtaz Aydin | Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
In elementary school, we learned about various eras: Prehistoric, Antiquity, Medieval, the Renaissance, and Modernity. But we were not told that thes…
Zheng He the Chinese Admiral
31 December 2002 | The Fountain | Issue 41 (January - March 2003)
Adopted from Little did the famous Muslim geographer Ibn Battuta know that about 22 years after his historic visit to C…
The Status of Dhimmis in the Ottoman Empire
30 September 2002 | Dr. Bekir Aksoy | Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
The Ottoman Empire recognized three groups of non-Muslim minorities: ahl al-kitab (People of the Book), ahl al-dhimma (protected minorities), and non…
Super Conductivity: History and Applications
31 March 2001 | Hamza Balci | Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
The field of superconductivity is characterized by unexpected discoveries. Despite its discovery almost 100 years ago and its many applications, it i…
Rethinking Plato: Philisophical Idealism and Political Totalitarianism
31 March 2001 | Mahmut Kara | Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Plato's (427-347 B.C.E.) political ideas remain influential. His idealist philosophy emphasizes ideas and ideals (independent of material and histo…
A New Genre Is Coming To Life
30 June 1999 | Talha Sarac | Issue 27 (July - September 1999)
In the music world there is music and then there is "Kitaro's music." Thousands of listeners have gathered throughout the United States during the l…
Turkish and Greek Relations on 17th Century
31 March 1999 | S. Dede | Issue 26 (April - June 1999)
I, hereby declare and record this decree for my followers. Regarding the Christians, known or unknown, in East or West, far or near. The ones who d…
31 March 1999 | Suzan Mutlu | Issue 26 (April - June 1999)
Most relations in Central Europe are, unfortunately, based on conflicts. I would like to briefly cover the majority of ethnic conflicts that is (and…
Rule Means Greater Responsibility
30 September 1998 | Buraq Hadid | Issue 24 (October - December 1998)
The history of Islam has seen many just, pious rulers, among whom the first four Caliphs, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz of the Umayyads and Mahdi of the ‘A…
Hayy Bin Yaqzan: A Contrasting Vision Of Man And Nature
30 June 1998 | F. B. Rahim | Issue 23 (July - September 1998)
A Latin translation of Hayy bin Yaqzan by the English Arabist, Edward Pocock, published in Oxford in 1672, was reprinted in 1700. Then, an English tr…
Ma'ruf Al-Karkhi
30 June 1997 | F. B. Rahim | Issue 19 (July - September 1997)
His full name was Abu Mahfuz Ma’ruf b. Firuz al-Karkhi. According to the Shi’i imam ‘Ali b. Musa al-Reza, Ma’ruf al-Karkhi was born to Christian pare…
Islam in Japan
31 March 1997 | K. Olgun | Issue 18 (April - June 1997)
A part from the natural hurdle of the sea which surrounds the islands of Japan, the spread of Islam into Japan was impeded by the occupation of nearb…
Isaac Newton: The Light At The Beginning of The Tunnel
30 June 1995 | J. Qureshi | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
Early life NEWTON was born prematurely on 25th December 1645 in Woolsthorpe, a hamlet near Grantham in Lincolnshire, a few months after the death of…
Lamu's Sacred Meadows
03 January 1995 | A. A. Ahmed | Issue 10 (April - June 1995)
Lamu Lamu is a small island off the coast of Kenya, no larger than ten square miles. It is one of several islands that make up the Lamu archipelago…
Jafar Ibn Abi Talib
03 January 1995 | A. Hamid | Issue 10 (April - June 1995)
In spite of his noble standing among the Quraysh, Abu Talib, an uncle of the Prophet, was quite poor. He had a large family and did not have enough m…
Classification of Knowledge: A Comparison of Al-Ghazali and Al-Ansari
31 December 1994 | B. Behardin | Issue 9 (January - March 1995)
The lives of al-Ghazali and al-Ansari Abu Hamid al-Ghazali was born in the city of Tus, northern Persia (Iran), in the year 450t-i/1058. His father…
Abdurrahman Ibn Avf
31 December 1994 | A. Hamid | Issue 9 (January - March 1995)
He was one of the first eight persons to accept Islam and one of the ten assured of entering Paradise. He was one of the six persons chosen by Umar t…
A Companion Of The Prophet: Mus'ab Ibn Umayr
09 January 1994 | A. Hamid | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
Mus'ab ibn Umayr was born and grew up in the lap of luxury. His rich parents lavished a great deal of care and attention on him. He wore the most exp…
English Converts To Islam-2
09 January 1994 | A. Kose | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
Conversion patterns Lofland and Skonovd (1981) distinguish six types of conversion patterns-intellectual, mystical, experimental, affectional, reviv…
Blissful Years of The Jews in The Ottoman State
06 January 1994 | P. Allister | Issue 7 (July - September 1994)
The world has been the scene of many massacres and countless acts of genocide since mankind appeared on earth. Even Habil (Abel), the son of the firs…
A Companion of The Prophet: Talha ibn Ubaydullah
06 January 1994 | A. Hamid | Issue 7 (July - September 1994)
Returning to Mecca in haste after a trading trip to Syria, Talha asked his family: ’Did anything happen in Mecca since we left?’ ‘Yes,’ they replied…
Transfer of technology from the Islamic world to the West
31 December 1993 | O. A. Joseph | Issue 5 (January - March 1994)
INTRODUCTION Technology is the tool of civilization, and for Islamic civilization to have been such a leading force in the world for several centur…
A Companion of The Prophet: Sa'id ibn Zayd
31 December 1993 | A. Hamid | Issue 5 (January - March 1994)
Zayd the son of ‘Amr stood away from the Quraysh crowd as they celebrated one of their festivals. Men were dressed in rich turbans of brocade and exp…
Al-Andalus: The Lost Civilization
09 January 1993 | Y. Yilmaz | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
How many people now know who Ibn Hazm, Al-Mu’tamid, Ibn Tufayl, Abu Ishaq al-Butruji were, or even where they came from? Most probably, not many. Yet…
Bishr b. Harith
06 January 1993 | A. Hayran | Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
All human beings are fallible, liable to err and to sin. This is true of even the most revered saints. What is necessary is to cleanse oneself of all…
The end of Russian genocide
03 January 1993 | I. Bal | Issue 2 (April - June 1993)
Relations between Turks and Russians can be understood in three stages: Turkic-Muslim hegemony, the period of Russian hegemony and the present.Slavs…
Travel writers and their oriental women
03 January 1993 | K. Aydin | Issue 2 (April - June 1993)
After the period of the Crusades, a more direct and close encounter took place in the 19th century when, for political, economic and cultural reasons…
Western presentation of the Ottoman Turks
31 December 1992 | K. Aydin | Issue 1 (January - March 1993)
The Turks have never been detached, in Western imagination, from other Islamic nations of the Middle East even though they are of a completely differ…
Sinan, the Architect
31 December 1992 | S. Trim | Issue 1 (January - March 1993)
Sinan is one of the most internationally renowned and admired architects, and certainly the best architect of the period which European history desig…